Hannukah Partner Meditation: Our Face Mirrored in the Menorah

Hannukah Partner Meditation: Our Face Mirrored in the Menorah


Kabbalah reveals that the light of the menorah is the same light of Gan Eden, the primordial hidden light, called the “Ohr-Ha Ganuz”.  There are 7 branches of the menorah, corresponding to the 7 orifices of our face. Our face is what reveals our shining soul, our Ohr HaGanuz within. Hanukkah is when we look into each other’s face and see transcendence. Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach teaches that Hanukkah is G-d’s DREAM for the world (Kislev is the month of dreams). G-d’s dream is that we can look at each other and really see each other’s true light.


Find a friend or partner and turn towards each other, next to the flickering sound of the menorah. Set a timer for 2 minutes. Simply gaze at each other, like you would a menorah. Start to see the light within the other person. When we witness someone’s inner light, we allow that light to brighten just a little bit.

Feel free to comment with feedback, questions, or requests for further learning! Interested in an embodied experience of Hannukah? Contact Jenna at breathandsoul.net@gmail.com

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