Rosh Hashana Meditation Series, Part 2: DISSOLVING

Rosh Hashana Meditation Series, Part 2: DISSOLVING

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Our next meditation is a preparation for the Shofar. We will be departing from our memories, experiences, and anything we have acquired over the year by releasing them back to circulate the universe. The Shofar is like a simple cry when there are no words to express a feeling. The ram’s horn resembles an animal cry- the simplistic yearning of primal expression. This simple cry is from the deepest part of our souls, manifesting a deep desire to reconnect with G-d, our essence, and our purpose in the universe. So, in this personal meditation, we will collect all our experiences from the whole year and send them off through the womb of the shofar- infusing them with sparks of goodness and renewal on the way out!


Let’s start by closing your eyes. Notice your sit bones rooting into the earth or chair below your. Start to feel your muscles relax, your body opening as a receiving  vessel. Begin to notice the breath. Invite all of your past experiences from the previous year, whether you perceived them as good or bad, dark or light, and invite them into the here and now. Perhaps some are tucked away deep in our subconscious. Perhaps they have taken refuge into the body; the feeling of a heavy heart, or a tug in the lower back. Breath into these parts of the body with kindness.

Allow the arc of intensity to be fully felt. 

Observe it in a wide, soft, curious way.

Take the next few minutes to invite the sparks of light and wisdom from all of these experiences. We start to detach from these experiences, accepting the imprint they have had on us with gratitude. Then we can imagine the shofar is right in front us. We squeeze our experiences from the year into the small narrow piece of the shofar, and as they exit through the wide end of the shofar, we experience a feeling of expansiveness, letting go, dissolving. Each exhale, we let something  go. Imagine each experience filtering back into the universe , infusing them with sparks of goodness as they depart.

Gently open your eyes. 

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