Sivan Shavuot Yoga

Sivan Shavuot Yoga

We welcome the new moon, new month of Sivan, by practicing the skill of artfully receiving with myself and Living Jewishly (

. We are just under a week from the Holiday of Shavuot, our agriculturally rooted holiday of Revelation, of Offering and of Receiving the Torah. Our Sages teach that Matan Torah, the holiday of the giving of the Torah, is the time when we receive Divine wisdom and insight for the whole year. At Shavuot we cultivate a "Mochin D'Gadlus", an expansive, open mind - a cosmic download for the year. That is why the story goes that the Torah was given in the desert (on Mount Sinai), a place of silence and expanse. In order to receive the Torah within us, first we need to become like the desert.

Join us in the Yoga practice and Jewish teachings for this new Hebrew month of Sivan, lead by @breathandsoul_jenna from Jerusalem, who weaves Jewish teachings on the month, with the embodied South Asian spiritual philosophy and practice of Yoga. In doing so, we are grateful to embrace the wisdom of two ancient paths - both the Jewish and Indian sacred traditions. We also extend gratitude to @susannabarkataki who is leading the way in decolonizing yoga and reminding us to be in integrity with the roots of our spiritual practices.

This postural flow is a dive into the silence, opening ourselves up to the wisdom of desert quietude. No previous yoga experience, or flexibility is required - every single person is welcome to this practice. Chodesh Tov! Happy New Month!

For a meditation on Desert Silence, meditate with me below:

To join our 2 live yoga gathers on Zoom, as well as receive additional video practices and resources, join the Jewish yoga Course!

You will also receive an in-depth yoga and meditation for the month to explore themes of embodied energies to explore on your mat.

Creating Angels

Creating Angels

Reading Recommendations: The Hebrew Month of Iyyar

Reading Recommendations: The Hebrew Month of Iyyar