Esther's Royal Spirit

Esther's Royal Spirit

Queen Esther/Esther Ha Malkah translates to “The Queen of Hiddenness”. Esther embodies the Sefirah (Divine Emanation) of Malchut/ Queenship. Malchut is an open vessel that doesn’t have any substance of its own- but rather is a Great Receiver of all the Sefirot above her. Similarly, the moon has no light of its own, yet reflects the bright light of the sun. In the same way, Esther received and manifested Mordechai’s light and direction.

The Torah states that Esther “got dressed up in Malchut” when she stood in the throne room before the King (The scroll of Esther 5:1). At first, Esther had no light of her own, and merely received Mordechai’s instruction. As she received more and more light, she became a full light in her own right, revealing her feminine royalty. She transformed from the world of hiddenness to the world of revelation. This is what the name of the book “Megillat Esther”means: revealing the hidden. When we become humble and small like the new moon, we are open to receive the light so we can become our own shining luminary.

Are there parts of you that you keep hidden? Why?

 Is there anything you would like to sanctify by keeping more private? 

Have you ever felt a need to hide your identity as a Jew?

 What 'masks' would you like to shed?

(Tell us in the comments below!)

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