Hannukah Meditation: Body of Light

Hannukah Meditation: Body of Light

Hannukah Meditation: Body of Light

Painting by Esther Chaya, RealColorByEC. See her Etsy shop here or connect to her on Instagram at @_estie_

Painting by Esther Chaya, RealColorByEC. See her Etsy shop here or connect to her on Instagram at @_estie_

“The Flame of G-d is the Soul of Man” (Proverbs 20:27). The month of Hanukkah represents a type of light called, “Ohr Chozer”, meaning “reflected” or “returning” light, as taught by Rav Dovber Pinson. This type of G-dly revelation is a deeper form of light that is seen and felt through the darkness. 

The very first humans in the Garden Of Eden walked through life as bodies of light (kotnot Ohr). Their bodies were shining openly with the revelations of their souls (Bereishit Rabbah 20:12). The word for body (guf) has the same numerical value (gematria) as the word for Hannukah, because through our bodies, the light of Hannukah shines.

Special thanks to Sefaria, a Living Library of Jewish Texts.

Meditation Practice:

Close your eyes and imagine your whole body as a dark, night sky.

Once you have this visualization, create a small flame of light beneath the skin of the forehead, the third eye center point. Notice how this point of light illuminates the space around the mind’s eye. Feel the light shine on your insight center, your field of Da’as/ deep awareness of Divinity. Your mind begins to wake up to this divine light. 

Drop your awareness down into the heart space, imagining a flame in the center of the heart. Your heart, the intimacy center, begins to widen and open with a warm, inviting, blissful light. As Rebbe Nachman taught, "the heart hears." Sit with this feeling of an open heart expanse.

Bring awareness into the low belly center (the body part of ‘Kislev’, according to Kabbalah). Bring your flame of G-dly light into this place of deep intuition, of all-knowingness. As if you are returning to your deepest home within. With each inhale, fill the low belly up with light and contentment. With each exhale, send the breath of light to warm different areas of the body. Each breath cycle your body transforms into a biome of light, as each cell ignites into a vessel of light.

Interested in an embodied experience of Hannukah? Practice the Hannukah Yoga Flow & Candle Meditation here.

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