The Month of Tevet: Meditation for Anger

The Month of Tevet: Meditation for Anger

Background: Tevet is one of the harshest months of the year. According to Kabbalah, it falls under the rule of Esau, which is a chaotic type of energy that is more difficult to work through. Whereas the months that fall under Yaakov are more gentle and easier to manage, Esau’s months have a high potential for success but must be carefully harnessed with the right kavanot (intentions). The chush/sense of the month, brought down in Sefer Yetzirah, is anger (not the negativity of anger, but the sensation that arises). Anger is often a hot, deeply embodied experience. Be aware of how your body reacts to anger this month and the patterns associated with the feeling.

A guided meditation written by Jenna Zadaka of, with contributions and narration by Avi-Natan Zadaka, LICSW of


When feelings of anger arise, pause and notice, ‘Where am I feeling this anger in my body?’ Where in the body do I feel Heat? Constriction? Flushed? 

Take a few minutes to scan the entire length of the body, from the crown of the head to the toes. 

After you have scanned the body, ask yourself, what subtle, or not so subtle, energies and emotions are arising within me? Perhaps beneath the anger there resides feelings of hurt, fear, mistrust or confusion. Allow any feelings to be felt fully, noticing the energy and quality of the feeling. Relax the emotion. Imagine an expansive space opening up around the anger.

Then bring awareness to the breath. Where in the body do you feel the movement of breath? What texture is it? Labored? Short? Heavy? Observe the breath without judgement. 

Now bring extra attention to the outbreath. Follow the journey from the beginning moment of your exhalation all the way through the end. Notice the impermanence of your exiting breath, and the fleeting nature of any feeling of anger or heaviness that leaves with it.

In summary,

  1. Observe the body

  2. Relax into the emotions as they arise

  3. Notice the journey of the outbreath

In the words of Yung Pueblo, 

“don't run away 

from heavy emotions

honor the anger; 

give pain the space

it needs to breathe

this is how we let go”

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