Tammuz: Rectifying Sight

Tammuz: Rectifying Sight

The month of Tammuz is a time where we rectify our sense of sight. That doesn't mean to turn away from what is real, but rather to amplify and focus on the positive. This new month, be conscious about what you gaze at. What are you choosing to look at, and how does it affect your emotional/spiritual state? 

How to we begin ?

The 1st step is guarding the eyes (Shmiras HaAyin). The perfect time to do this is on the new moon, (sometimes called the dark moon) when we have a chance to re-set our vision and turn inwards.

By the full moon, we practice attaching our eyes to uplifting, positive imagery that inspires.

From the full moon to the next month of Av, we elevate our sight even further by turning the gaze to the seemingly negative or harsh, and envisioning the hidden goodness until we bring that spark of light out of the dark.

Yoga Practices to Rectify Sight:

Practice 1: EYE BATH

Begin by noticing the feeling in your eyes. Rub the palms together and rest the palms over the eye sockets.  Bathing the eyes in darkness, we re-set our vision to consciously choose what to look at

Practice 2: Cleanse

From seated, fold in and press the eye sockets into the knees. Gift your eyes a cleanse from social media, ads, distracting magazines, artificial lights and screens. 

Practice 3: Eagle Arms

Sharpen the gaze as the hemispheres balance. The Torah teaches that the “heart follows the eyes”. Practice seeing the world through holy, positive vision. 

Practice 4:  Low Lunge with Prayer arms at the 3rd eye.

Collect a pool of awareness at the 3rd eye center, the seat of higher vision. Let your inner vision inform your physical eyesight. How do you want to view the world?

Practice 5: Twist.

Intentionally soften the gaze, and then the muscles of the face. 

Yoga for Confidence!

Yoga for Confidence!

Sun Rays

Sun Rays