Hannukah Meditation: Our Hidden Light

Hannukah Meditation: Our Hidden Light

Hannukah Meditation: Our Hidden Light

Hanukkah is celebrated during the depths of winter, often culminating with the winter solstice, the darkest and shortest day of the year. Hanukkah celebrates stepping into our unknown darkness. Meditation allows us to go on a journey inwards and explore and sit with the places we often don’t want to look at. From these experiences of darkness/ chaos /unease, we discover a hidden, deeper light. This hidden light, the “Ohr Ha Ganuz”, appears throughout the Torah to remind us of the divine light that shines in the darkest of places, and is revealed through the flames of the Menorah.

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Start by finding a seat next to the menorah. Give yourself time to retrieve and sit with an uncomfortable feeling or question, whether it is a feeling of loneliness, uncertainty, fear, or difficulty. Gaze into the flickering flames. Start breathing deep, full breaths next to the light. On your inhale, invite in the clear, warm light of the menorah into your being. On your exhale, let out any pockets of darkness. Keep breathing in light, and out darkness. 

After a few minutes, switch your breath cycle by breathing IN darkness, and OUT light. Each inhale, you bring in and embrace the feeling of suffering or uncertainty.  Instead of pushing pain away, you breathe in the feelings of darkness and heaviness. It’s okay to feel this. This is part of the healing, of being alive. Then, breathe out a positive field of force and love, as if you’re sending your deep reserves of light into the universe. Continue this breath cycle for a few more minutes.

Feel free to comment with feedback, questions, or requests for further learning! Interested in an embodied experience of Hannukah? Practice the Hannukah Yoga Flow & Candle Meditation here or book Jenna for a group or private class.

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