Please join us for this year's Jewish Yoga Network International Seminar on September 18th at 12:00pm ET. This year's theme is "Return to Source/Teshuva: A celebration of Jewishly-inspired yoga and meditation". Speakers include Audi Gozlan, Daniel Gigi, Diane Bloomfield, Dekelyah Winer, Lisa Levine, Orna Truginoff, Sharon Epstein and Marcus J Freed. This is a free seminar that will be followed by four classes, including three Jewishly-inspired yoga practice classes with Audi, Diane and Jenna, and a special Rosh Hashanah Yoga Teacher Training class with Marcus J Freed. Click here to sign up:
Jewish Yoga and Meditation. Life Coaching. Embodied Torah Content. Mystic Teachings. Prenatal Wellness.