Jewish Healing Yoga & Meditation: Tiferet
Tiferet is the Sefirah (Divine Emanation) responsible for healing. Tifferet comes from the Hebrew word pe'er, meaning "beauty". It is a beauty that comes from a harmonious blend. Tiferet’s spiritual artistry of harmonizing our contrasting energies: the expansive, masculine Chesed with the contractive, feminine Gevurah. In the anaology of the Tree of Life, Tiferet is seated in the heart and expands through the entire torso, the treasure chest of organs. A balanced, beautiful heart is one with both fierce strength and gentle softness. A Tiferet harmonious heart is our ability to give and receive gracefully.
Below you may find Tiferet practices. For a deeper exploration of the Sefirot, consider joining the Sefirot Embodiment Course!
15-min Jewish Meditation for Healing: Tiferet
37- minute Healing Kabbalah Flow for Tiferet
50-minute Harmony Flow (Tiferet Practice)
10-minute Tiferet Heart Meditation
30-minute Tiferet Yoga Practice
10-minute Jacob’s Ladder Prayer Meditation