Tevet: The Dark Season of the Body
Each time I revisit Tevet in the sacred wheel of time, my body remembers. It recalls the dark places I have inhabited. I have cycled through this season many times in my being to trust that this state of uncertainty will only draw up my inner-strength.
In the Oral Torah, this period in the Hebrew calendar is called "Tekufas Tevet" (Avodah Zara 8a), marking the winter solstice—a season of short days and long, cold nights. Tevet is known as a challenging month, one of grappling with visceral sensations, coming close to our primal energies, and ultimately lifting deep wisdom from the subtle body. Kabbalah teaches us about this month that the “body enjoys the body”.
As Shevat approaches next month, I know the sweet sap will rise through the world's roots once again. I trust in sacred time knowing that by Tu B'Shevat, my own earthly vessel will be replenished with warm creativity flowing up from my roots.
For now, I rest in knowing I am fully "below," buried within the earth. It is unknown, yet I trust this darkness. While some parts of this month may feel like death, I remind myself that I am a small seedling, planted in rich, nourishing soil.
Embodiment Practice to Gather Your Inner Roots
Grounding: Find a soft, warm space to lie down. You may want to wear cozy socks or wrap yourself in a prayer shawl. Settle into the earth beneath you, feeling its temperature and texture. Imagine the earth rising up to meet you. Notice every place in your body that touches the ground—perhaps the back of your skull, the wings of your heart, the heaviness of your hips—and explore those sensations.
Allow yourself to sink deeper into the earth, as if you are being fully planted through your back-body, the place of support and nourishment. Receive the loving embrace of the Adamah, the Living Earth beneath you.
Traveling to Your Roots: Once you feel anchored, bring attention to your breath. Let each inhale be a gentle messenger, perhaps guiding you deeper into yourself or revealing new pathways toward your inner roots. These roots are places of connection with the Shechinah, the Divine Earthly Feminine.
Allow any natural movements to emerge, helping you settle more deeply into your roots. When you're ready, gently open your eyes and tend to yourself as needed. Return to this practice whenever you wish to draw wisdom and pleasure from your body.