Nissan, the power of Speech

Nissan, the power of Speech

Nissan, the power of speech

This month of Nissan is about rectifying and uplifting our sense of SPEECH.

In Berachot 22a it says, “Open your mouth and your words with shine forth.” How can you use the power of your soul-song to sing you home?

The Baal Shem Tov teaches that, “Words that come from the heart penetrate the heart.” Do your words express your innermost heart song?

In Kabbalah, words are known as “light of the mouth”, which in hebrew also spells the word for “healing”. Our words can uplift and heal. Positive speech has the ability to light up our surroundings.

Nissan also corresponds to the highest power of the soul, faith. Speech is known as “the covenant of the tongue” in Sefer Yetzirah, because our tongue is given the power to shift and create reality. How can we express our faith through holy, intentional speech? 

The Passover sedar is a ritual meditation, aimed at expressing G-d’s miracles through Maggid, deep storytelling. I bless us all to speak & sing our way through the Sedar in a way that unlocks our deep faith.


  1. During your yoga or mediation practice, be intentional about speaking kind, gentle, compassionate words to yourself. This month, begin to notice how you speak to yourself, how you sing to yourself. Notice the voice of your soul, the truth that floats on your breath. 

  2. Use your speech to give gratitude for the awesomeness of your health, your body, and your chance to practice. For an example, during Warrior 2 Pose, say out loud, “Thank you, Creator of the Universe, for gifting me strong, able legs and a willpower to show up fully for this pose!”

  3. Keep a journal next to your yoga mat. As positive feelings or words come through you, jot them down between poses. For an example, during my yoga practice this morning, I wrote down, “Serenity. Soft and slow. Nothing needs to be accomplished right now. Sweetness. Loving my long spine today.” Keep your journal open and gaze at the words or phrases you wrote down throughout the day.

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